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IV THERAPY: Who benefits?

To reap the full benefits of foods or supplements, the nutrients have to be absorbed by the cells in your body. Some people do not experience the full benefits of foods or nutrients that they ingest orally, due to malabsorption conditions that most are not aware of. Some examples include inflammatory bowel disease, Cystic Fibrosis, lactose intolerance, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, short bowel syndrome, and enzyme deficiencies. Several diseases can affect your body's absorption ability as well, including pancreas, liver, and gallbladder disease. Alcohol abuse, long-term use of antibiotics, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy can also negatively affect nutrient uptake.

IV therapy ensures 100% absorption of nutrients into your cells. We offer several different types of infusions that are tailored to your specific health needs. 

What We Offer





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