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Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?


Updated: Feb 6

A Doctor Showing Rectum With Hemorrhoids.

Stress, which can silently harm our modern lives, continuously affects how we feel physically and mentally. Recently, researchers have been studying stress and how it might affect our health. One area they're looking into is how stress might be linked to getting hemorrhoids. But before we explore that, let's understand what stress and hemorrhoids are on their own.

Stress is how our bodies react when we're under pressure or dealing with challenges. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum and anus that can make us feel uncomfortable and sore. But can stress cause hemorrhoids?

What is a Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins located around the rectum and anus. They can be internal, inside the rectum, or external, forming under the skin around the anal opening. These swollen veins can lead to discomfort, pain, and in some cases, bleeding.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are four types of hemorrhoids:

1. Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are hard to see because they're deep inside the anus. Mild ones are like bumps inside, while severe ones stick out. They might not hurt much, but they often bleed.

2. External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are found under the skin near the anus. They can hurt more, especially when sitting or having a bowel movement.

3. Prolapsed hemorrhoids

Prolapsed hemorrhoids are severe and painful forms of internal hemorrhoids. They swell and extend until they stick out of the anus. Mild prolapsed hemorrhoids come out during straining but go back in when you relax your muscles. Severe ones stay out of the anus.

4. Thrombosed hemorrhoids

Thrombosed hemorrhoids happen when blood pools inside internal or external hemorrhoids. They can be very painful, especially when they're external.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Various factors contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. These include:

Straining During Bowel Movements

One main cause of hemorrhoids is straining when you go to the bathroom. This extra effort puts too much pressure on the rectum, causing veins to swell and hemorrhoids to form.

Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea

Having irregular bathroom habits, like ongoing constipation or diarrhea, can lead to hemorrhoids. Pushing hard to pass hard stools can strain and enlarge blood vessels in your rectum, causing hemorrhoids.

Sitting for Prolonged Periods

Sitting for too long, especially on the toilet, can make hemorrhoids more likely. When you sit for extended periods, it puts pressure on the veins in your rectum, which can cause hemorrhoids.


The extra weight and pressure on the lower body during pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids. Changes in hormones and the growing uterus also add to this pressure.


Being overweight, especially around the belly, puts more pressure on the veins near the bottom. This can make obese people more likely to get hemorrhoids.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Not moving around much can lead to constipation, which is also linked to getting hemorrhoids. When you're not active, it's harder to have regular bowel movements, which means you might have to strain more when you go to the bathroom.

Low-Fiber Diet

If you don't eat enough fiber, it can lead to constipation, which makes it hard to go to the bathroom and can cause hemorrhoids.


As people get older, the tissues holding up the veins in the bottom can weaken, making hemorrhoids more likely.


Family history could affect the chances of getting hemorrhoids. If relatives have had them, the risk might be higher for you too, because of genes passed down in families.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

It's important to know the signs of hemorrhoids to get help early. Here are common signs you might notice:

Rectal Bleeding

A key symptom is seeing bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. This bleeding usually doesn't hurt, but it's important to get it checked by a doctor.

Itching and Irritation

Hemorrhoids can make the anal area feel itchy and irritated. This happens because of mucus or tiny bits of stool that can get on the skin around the anus.

Pain or Discomfort

External hemorrhoids, especially when swollen, can hurt and feel uncomfortable. This feeling might get worse when you use the bathroom or sit for a long time.

Swelling and Lump Formation

External hemorrhoids can make the area around your anus swell up. Sometimes, you might feel a lump or bulge, which could mean you have external hemorrhoids.

Prolapse or Protrusion

Internal hemorrhoids can stick out or protrude from your anus when you strain or have a bowel movement. You might feel a bulge or lump outside your body.

Difficulty Cleaning After Bowel Movements

People with hemorrhoids might find it hard to clean their anus after going to the bathroom because it can be sore and sensitive.

Painful Bowel Movements

Hard poop or pushing too hard when going to the bathroom can hurt, especially if you have internal hemorrhoids.

Mucus Discharge

Hemorrhoids, especially the ones inside, can make you feel like you have to poop more or like your butt is always wet because they produce mucus.

Anal Bleeding During Physical Activity

During intense activities like lifting heavy things or hard exercise, some people might have bleeding from their anus. This can happen because these activities can make existing hemorrhoids worse.


External hemorrhoids can cause blood clots, causing a problem called thrombosed hemorrhoids. It hurts a lot and makes the area swell and get inflamed.

NOTE: It's important to note that these symptoms can vary from person to person, and the severity may depend on the type and grade of hemorrhoids.

Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?

Yes, stress can make hemorrhoids worse. It might not cause them directly, but it can make things that lead to hemorrhoids worse. Let's see how stress and hemorrhoids might be connected:

1. Increased Abdominal Pressure

When you're stressed, your body gets tense. This extra tension can affect your stomach, including the blood vessels near your anus. When you strain during bathroom time, it can make hemorrhoids worse or cause new ones.

2. Changes in Bowel Habits

Stress can mess with how often you go to the bathroom. It might make you constipated or give you diarrhea. Being constipated means it's harder to poop, and that straining can cause hemorrhoids.

3. Blood Circulation

Long-term stress can mess with how well your blood flows, including in the veins around your anus. If blood doesn't move right, it can make hemorrhoids more likely, especially when you strain.

4. Inflammation

When you're stressed, your body can get more inflamed. This inflammation can affect your blood vessels and make hemorrhoids swell up or get worse.

5. Weakened Immune Response

Stress for a long time can make your immune system weaker. This means you're more likely to have health problems, including ones in your digestive system like hemorrhoids.

NOTE: It's important to note that while stress may be a contributing factor, it is not the sole cause of hemorrhoids.

Do Hemorrhoids Smell?

Usually, hemorrhoids don't have a smell. But if there's bleeding, the blood might mix with stool during bowel movements. Sometimes, this can cause a metallic or iron-like smell. It's important to know if it's hemorrhoids or something else causing the bleeding.

If there's a strange smell that doesn't go away, along with bleeding, pain, or changes in bowel habits, it's important to see a doctor. They can check and find out what's causing it, then suggest the right treatment.

Why do Hemorrhoids Itch?

Hemorrhoids can make you itchy for a few reasons linked to how they affect the area around them. Here's why they might cause itching:

1. Inflammation and Irritation

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels, and when they get inflamed, they irritate the nearby tissues, causing an itchy feeling.

2. Mucus Production

Hemorrhoids, especially the ones inside, can create mucus. When this mucus touches the delicate skin near the anus, it can irritate and make it itchy.

3. Skin Sensitivity

The skin near the anus is soft and sensitive. When hemorrhoids cause swelling and inflammation, this skin becomes more likely to itch, especially if it stays wet for a long time.

4. Dryness and Friction

On the other hand, external hemorrhoids may cause dryness and flakiness in the surrounding skin due to reduced blood flow. Dry skin can lead to friction, causing itching.

5. Prolapse or Protrusion

When internal hemorrhoids stick out or come out of the anus, they rub against the skin. This rubbing can make the area itchy.

6. Incomplete Cleaning

Hemorrhoids can make it hard to clean the anus after using the bathroom. This can leave behind stuff that irritates the skin and causes itching.

7. Fecal Residue

Bits of stool sticking around because it's tough to clean or your bowel movements aren't finishing up can make your skin irritated and itchy.

8. Infection or Dermatitis

When you scratch the irritated skin from hemorrhoids, it can get cuts or rashes. This can lead to infections or skin irritation, making the itching even worse.

Do Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

Mild or small hemorrhoids can get better by themselves or with home care and lifestyle changes. But it depends on how bad they are, what caused them, and how your body reacts to treatments.

How Long do Hemorrhoids Last?

Hemorrhoids can last for different lengths of time, and how long they stay depends on a few things like how bad they are, how well the treatment works, and a person's overall health. Here are some things to think about when considering how long hemorrhoids might last:

1. Mild or Acute Cases

Mild hemorrhoids, caused by things like constipation or pregnancy, might get better in a few days to a couple of weeks with self-care and lifestyle changes.

2. Chronic or Recurrent Cases

If you keep getting hemorrhoids or have them for a long time, they might stick around for a while. If your symptoms don't go away, it's a good idea to see a doctor to find out what's going on and figure out the best way to treat them.

3. Treatment Efficacy

How well treatments work can affect how fast symptoms go away. Some folks feel better quickly, but others may need more time or different treatments.

4. Natural Healing Process

Sometimes, hemorrhoids might get better by themselves with time, especially if you make lifestyle changes and take care of yourself at home. But keep in mind, how quickly this happens can differ for each person.

5. Medical Interventions

If you need medical treatments like rubber band ligation or surgery, recovery time depends on the procedure and how your body reacts. After surgery, it might take a few weeks to heal.

Are Hemorrhoids Contagious?

No, hemorrhoids aren't contagious. They're not caused by bacteria or viruses. Hemorrhoids happen when veins in the rectum swell because of pressure. Things like diet and not moving much can make them worse. But you can't catch them from someone else.

Diagnosing Hemorrhoids

To diagnose hemorrhoids, the doctor will ask about your health and check your body. They might also do some tests to be sure it's hemorrhoids and not something else. Let's look at how doctors diagnose hemorrhoids.

1. Medical History

The doctor will start by asking lots of questions about your past health. They'll want to know about the symptoms you've been having, how long you've had them, and what makes them better or worse. They might also ask about things like how often you go to the bathroom, what you eat, and how you live.

2. Physical Examination

The doctor will then look closely at the area around your anus. They might use their fingers, covered with a slippery gel, to feel around for any bumps or swelling.

3. Internal Examination

Sometimes, the doctor might need to check inside your anus and the lower part of your colon. They'll use a thin, slick tube with a light at the end called an anoscope or a sigmoidoscope. This helps them see any internal hemorrhoids.

4. Proctoscopy or Colonoscopy

If things seem serious or they want to check your whole colon, they might suggest a proctoscopy or colonoscopy. These involve using a long, bendy tube with a camera to look inside. A colonoscopy is more thorough and checks the whole colon.

5. Stool Examination

If there's bleeding, they might check your stool to make sure it's not from other problems like bleeding in your stomach or infections.

Hemorrhoids Treatment

Treating hemorrhoids usually means making lifestyle changes and doing self-care. Sometimes, you might need medical help. The treatment depends on how bad your symptoms are and what kind of hemorrhoids you have. Here are some ways to treat hemorrhoids:

1. Lifestyle and Dietary Changes

  • Fiber-Rich Diet: Eat more foods with fiber like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and beans. This can help make your stool softer and easier to pass, so you don't have to strain as much when you go to the bathroom.

  • Adequate Fluid Intake: Drink lots of water to avoid constipation and stay hydrated, which is good for your digestive system.

2. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications

  • Topical Creams and Ointments: Use over-the-counter creams with hydrocortisone to soothe itching and reduce swelling.

  • Witch Hazel Wipes: Use wipes with witch hazel to calm the area and decrease swelling.

3. Warm Baths (Sitz Baths)

Soaking in a warm bath for 15-20 minutes several times a day can help relieve symptoms, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

4. Topical Treatments

Using cold packs or ice on the area can lessen swelling and numb it, giving short-term relief.

5. Prescription Medications

Doctors may prescribe stronger medications like suppositories or creams with potent corticosteroids to ease inflammation and symptoms.

6. Medical Procedures

  • Rubber Band Ligation: A small rubber band is placed around the base of an internal hemorrhoid. This cuts off its blood supply, making it shrink and fall off.

  • Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected into the blood vessels of the hemorrhoid, making it shrink.

  • Infrared Coagulation (IRC): Heat is used to shrink internal hemorrhoids by clotting the blood vessels.

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: Surgery to remove hemorrhoids might be advised for severe cases or when other treatments haven't worked.

7. Hemorrhoid Stapling (Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids - PPH)

This surgery staples the hemorrhoids to cut off blood flow and make them smaller.

8. Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (DG-HAL)

This simple method uses ultrasound to find and tie off the arteries supplying blood to the hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Prevention

1. Maintain a High-Fiber Diet: Eat lots of fiber-rich foods to help you poop regularly and avoid constipation.

2. Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water to keep your stool soft and make it easier to go to the bathroom.

3. Regular Exercise: Exercise regularly to keep your digestion in good shape and avoid sitting for too long.

4. Avoid Straining: When you feel the need to go, use the bathroom without delay, and don't strain when passing stool.

5. Good Anal Hygiene: Gently clean the anal area after bowel movements using mild, unscented wipes or a moist cloth.

6. Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the rectal veins.

7. Limit Time on the Toilet: Don't spend too much time sitting on the toilet as it can lead to hemorrhoids.

8. Consider Stool Softeners: Think about using stool softeners from the store if you need them to stop constipation.

9. Take Breaks During Pregnancy: If pregnant, take breaks to avoid prolonged sitting and manage weight gain.

When to See a Doctor

If you have symptoms of hemorrhoids or concerns about your bottom or rectal health, it's important to see a doctor. Here are times when it's a good idea to see a doctor:

  • Persistent Symptoms: If you keep feeling symptoms like bleeding, pain, itching, or discomfort in your bottom or rectum, you must see a doctor.

  • Severe Pain: If you have really bad pain from hemorrhoids, especially if it stops you from doing things or doesn't get better with regular medicine, it's best to see a doctor.

  • Excessive Bleeding: If you see lots of blood during bathroom time or in your poop for a long time, it's important to talk to a doctor to get checked out.

  • Changes in Bowel Habits: If your bathroom routine changes a lot, like how often you go, how solid or soft your poop is, or if the color changes, talk to a doctor about it.

  • Prolapsed Hemorrhoids: If your internal hemorrhoids stick out of your bottom and won't go back in, you need to see a doctor.

  • Recurrent Hemorrhoids: If your hemorrhoids keep coming back, even if they're not too bad, it's a good idea to see a doctor for a check-up and to talk about how to deal with them over time.

  • Unexplained Weight Loss: If you're losing weight without any clear reason and you have other stomach problems, it's best to see a doctor to find out what's going on.

  • Age 50 and Older: If you're 50 or older, it's important to get checked regularly for colorectal cancer, especially if it runs in your family. Rectal bleeding might be a sign of different problems, including cancer.

  • Persistent Itching or Discomfort: If itching or discomfort doesn't go away with home treatments, see a doctor for help.

  • Presence of Lumps or Masses: If you see strange lumps or changes in your anal area, see a doctor for a check-up.

Ready to Find Relief?

If you're experiencing discomfort, bleeding, or other symptoms related to hemorrhoids, Center One Medical is here to help. Our team of healthcare professionals offer personalized assessments and effective treatment options. Don't let hemorrhoids affect your quality of life. Contact us and schedule your consultation at Center One Medical now and take the first step towards relief!


Knowing how stress connects to hemorrhoids helps us see why this condition happens. But stress isn't the only reason. To stay healthy, learn the signs, take steps to prevent them, and get help early if needed. Don't let hemorrhoids affect your life. Be proactive in staying well.


1. Can stress directly cause hemorrhoids?

  • Yes, stress can make hemorrhoids worse or cause them because it affects blood pressure and vein health.

2. How quickly can stress-related hemorrhoids develop?

  • It varies, but long-term stress can slowly lead to hemorrhoid formation.

3. Are there specific stress management techniques effective for preventing hemorrhoids?

  • Yes, practices like mindfulness, deep breathing, and staying active can help lower the chance of getting hemorrhoids.

4. Are there specific foods that worsen hemorrhoid symptoms?

  • Spicy foods and caffeine can make symptoms worse, but eating a balanced diet with lots of fiber usually helps.

5. Can stress exacerbate existing hemorrhoids?

  • Yes, stress can make existing hemorrhoids feel worse, causing more discomfort and symptoms.

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